Last Updated on March 2, 2024 by productitems
Britax Boulevard ClickTight Convertible Review
You are welcome here for your quarry about Click tight convertible seat for your baby. As a conscious parent, I know you have the consciousness about your baby’s safety while you are driving your car with your little passenger. We are here for giving you the proper and vivid knowledge about what type of click tight convertible car seat has the most safety measures for your child. We are 100% sure about that your confusion about buying a click tight convertible seat will be cleared by this review.
So, let’s have the total information about the click tight convertible car seat for your little passenger!

Britax Boulevard ClickTight Convertible Car Seat
Product Description
Here comes the most awaiting baby car seat from Britax. Which will you get is that Boulevard Click Tight features the most revolutionary Click Tight Installation System in the market. This will leave you with zero doubt about that the seat is correctly installed in your car. It is actually as simple as buckling a seatbelt in your car. You Just open the front of the seat and simply feed the seatbelt through the indicated path than just buckle it afterward just click the seat shut and simply secure the tether.
The Safe-Cell Impact Protection of this car seat will surround your little passenger in proper safety components that will protect your baby going beyond the established federal safety of standards which you want. The Side Impact Protection will provide your little champ with an advanced layer of protection with the deepest protective shell and there is an energy-absorbing foam headrest which will manage both the safety and comfort for your little passenger. You will glad to know that the Britax-patented Click & Safe Snug Harness Indicator will take the guesswork out of seating your little baby. This system will let you know that your baby’s harness is within a range of proper and safety tightness with a click of the system.
The Boulevard Car Seat will assure you that your baby is surrounded in proper safety while riding with your baby. This awesome convertible car seat will give you the patented Britax Safe-Cell Impact protection system for your baby which is included with a steel frame, energy-absorbing base, V-shaped tether to minimize the seat rotation and yes also staged-release stitches that will slow and reduce forward movement in the event of any crash if happens.
The Britax company designed and engineered the Boulevard Click Tight Car Seat with extreme 2 strong layers of side energy absorption system. It has a deep foam-lined shell and also head protection system which will shield your baby from the side impacts. There is also foam padding and fabric which will provide your baby the proper comfort while riding. In this car seat, you are providing with 7 recline positions that ensure the extreme and premium comfort for your baby.
Here in the car seat, you will get the 14-position easy-adjust harness which amazingly grows along with your baby and obviously, you are allowed to change the height of the seat with just the simple push of a button inside. You will need no rethreading necessary for it. You just have the peace of your mind to know that your child’s harness is within a range of perfect tightness while you are in the driving seat. The most interesting thing is that with the sound of a click actually thanks to the Click & Safe Snug Harness Indicator that is included in this car seat you will know that it is just correctly adjusted for your baby.
Yes, in this Boulevard car seat you can also use the rear facing 5 to 40 pounds and most importantly the forward facing will allow you 20 to 65 pounds. The child standing height of this car seat is 49” or less. The car seat dimensions are 23” L x 18.5” W x 23.5” H. The 14 Position harness slot heights are around 8.35” to 19.4”. The most important fact is that this car seat is FAA approved.
I think above the full description of this car seat gives you the clear and informative knowledge. So let’s move forward to have the proper biography of this product..
Important Key Points Of This Product
The most easiest 3-Step Installation system:
To install this car seat with proper security you just have to do:
Full prove Side Impact Protection:
The revolutionary Click Tight car seat has awesome safe-Cell proper side Impact Protection which will provide you extreme level of protection in the moment of sudden crash.
The Harness system:
The Boulevard Click Tight Car Seat has Snug Harness Indicator which gives an audible click to help you with the exact tightening system of your baby’s harness while driving.
Most amazing 7 Position Recline system:
The Boulevard Click Tight Car Seat has the 7 position recline system which is made for easy angle adjustment for your baby and obviously the automatic level indicator will let you aware that is the seat angled properly in your car?
Seems the seat Grows With Your Child:
In the Boulevard Click Tight Car Seat it seems that the seat grows with your baby. The No rethread 14 position harness system will quickly adjust with the simple push of a button will seem that the seat is growing as your child grows.
Elaborate Features Fo Boulevard CT :
Features At A Glance-
Specifications Of Boulevard CT-
Let’s have a look about full specifications of Boulevard Click Tight Convertible Car Seat :
Full Measurements Of The Boulevard CT-
It is essential to have knowledge about proper measurement of what you are going to buy. Lets have the proper measurements about Boulevard Click Tight Convertible Car Seat.
- The height of Harness of this car seat range is 6.5″ at the position of lowest setting , and about 18.5″ at the position of tallest setting for your baby.
- The positions of Crotch strap about this car seat is about 4″, 6″(inch).
- The depth of seat pan of Boulevard CT while leg room and thigh support is about 12″
- The Overall height of internal with the head wings of Boulevard CT is fully raised and the measure to the bottom of the red adjuster is about 28.5″
- The seated height of this car seat has Rear-facing limit about 27.5″ which is one inch below the red adjuster of this seat.
- The external width at widest point where it is too wide with torso wings is 18″ inch.
- The external width of Boulevard CT at front of the seat is 17″ inch.
- The widest point base of this car seat is 14″ , And the base is rounded type the tapered is in square shape that is why the very front part and back part are a little bit narrower as using.
- The Internal seat width of this car seat in the bum area is about 10″ inch.
- Internal seat width of this car seat at the shoulders of your baby is 11″ inch.
- According to our scale the weight of this car seat is about 28 lbs.
Installation Details With Comments Of Boulevard CT-
Seatbelt Installation System Of Boulevard CT:
You will be glad to know that this car seat properly installs itself. Yes, both the rear facing and in the forward facing system when you are just using the Click Tight system of this car seat with adjusted the seatbelt of your vehicle. Amazingly! This car seat has most impressive easy to get a nice tight installation each and every moment just thanks to the impressive Click Tight System of this car seat. I am not going to tell you that it is fool-proof.
At the time while I first time got the seat, I just brought it out of the box and just stuck it in our car then I just opened up the Click Tight panel then asked my husband actually who had not heard anything about this car seat, to install it in the car. He simply routed the seatbelt through the slots of our car yes only the lap portion of the car. Then he quickly locked the belt of the seat. That was Good instincts but actually not that we wanted to see with the Click Tight of this seats. As far I think the important lesson is to Read the manual properly.
For one time you can realize what you are supposed to do with it though I guess the installation really is a breeze with the seatbelt of the car. You just open the panel of this car seat by pushing in on the dimple side which is on top of the Click Tight logo, afterward just turn the knob like a simple key system. After that, you just route the dual portions of the lap side shoulder belt through the proper forward facing or rear facing belt that guides you simply remove the excess slack then press the Click Tight door to close. After that just check out for tightness of the seat. I think then it will likely be as a rock-solid tightness despite the bit up to an inch movement of the seat is quite okay I think.
There you will find a few more things to bear in mind. In few cases, you can remove as much slack from the belt of the seat which will make the sector panel of Click Tight hard to close. At that time you simply loosen the belt a little bit and then try it again. On the other hand, if the seat is very loosened, just open up the panel system than take out a little bit slack and try that again. It is also very essential to make sure that you have taken the slack out of dual part of the seatbelt of your car. The belt slots which is in the section of click tight are very narrow and also is well padded by the cover of the seat. That is why this is very easy for the seatbelt of the car to be hung up if you don’t have any kinds of attention to that.
Here is an issue I previously noticed that while it is rear facing, the angle of the seat will wind up much upright after the Click Tight panel is closed. This makes a sense about what you are forcing down in the lower area of this car seat which will bring the seat more upright as it wasn’t before. One can easily solve this problem by pushing down the upper portion of the seat when you are closing the panel even if the angle is still might shift a bit or start with the seat extra reclined than you are expecting, to minimize the incline you will get when installing. You just make it confirm that you have checked the angle of the chick tight panel after installing to be confirming that it is exactly the place where you want.
The Latch Installation System-
This is the tricky section where you will find things getting a little tricky way.
Personally, I think if Britax wanted they could have made this baby car seat without LATCH but they didn’t do that. The Installation process with the seatbelt is very easy but the LATCH regulations have made people confused. The federal regulations say that the seat has to have the LATCH system, so Britax did it. Anyway, LATCH installation or accurately uninstall process of this seat might discourage anybody from actually applying this system. I am now going to explain it in a moment, but before that, I am giving you an overview of the LATCH system.
One of the best general selling points of Britax seats are the sophistication and also the push on style LATCH connectors included in the seat. Although the Click Tight convertibles has standard hook-type connectors the LATCH strap has been stored in a tiny compartment on the back side of the seat. It is well labeled and has proper efficiency. It is the most easily reached system while the seat is in the upright side. When you want to utilize the LATCH belt just remove it from storage cubby where it is stored. Simply open up the click tight panel and move up the strap to the baby’s left part and in the proper belt slots of the seat. Just contact the hooks to the lower LATCH anchors and move away the excess slack and then shut the Click Tight panel off. It will be pretty straight forward then.
Let me tell you that at the time when you need to uninstall it, you might be in for a bit challenge. Simply push on the LATCH connectors there is, you can simply press the red button that release. You will see the connectors will easily pop off the anchors of the seat. With the connectors of the hook, you must need loose the LATCH strap so that you can unhook them easily. The well engineered CT car seat has LATCH strap which is perfectly able to leave mechanism where and while you want just press a grey color button when continuously tilting out or pulling on the webbing system to loosen it as much as you need. When the strap is felt very tight, this is very difficult to do then. The strap seems will be very tight because the Click Tight panel clamps down on it. Normally while a belt like that is so tight that it can’t be loosen, we are strongly recommending you that put more weight in the seat and try to create some slack remember that the Click Tight feature’s holding on the belt makes this largely ineffective. As the click tight panel setting will not open while this is holding a belt tight, you just can’t move in that route.
With the rear-facing installation, I was simply capable to push the seat quite enough in one side so that I could have just proper leverage to loosen the LATCH strap system, after that just unlock the connectors and open up the panel. My second forward-facing installation was another matter. In spite of my best efforts, I was unable get the strap to loosen, at the time when I was sitting in the seat. I was unable to have the click tight panel to be opened, which couldn’t impress me. My last aid was to get my husband, who had just gone and simply settled in for sleep.
My husband is much strong guy. He is a former firefighter. He also was unable to get the adjuster to budge and was convinced that it was broken. Actually I kept assuring him that it is how it is. I simply was sitting in the seat. It would not loosen at all. After that he was pretty able to have the click tight panel open.
We have asked Britax about this fact. They said that they were aware about that this might be a simple issue with LATCH installations fact. But haven’t given any solution about how the seatbelt installation can be easy, there is simply no reason to use LATCH. Seatbelts are simply available in every seating situation, I think LATCH is simply limited, and LATCH has required pesky weight.
In another way, there have an important point. You will think that Why bother take out the LATCH strap and route it and connect it, etc., as you can just use the seatbelt of the car? The answer is there may be a time when a user may need to use LATCH for his baby. There is one compelling reason and that might be in situations when you got a child in a booster seat very next to the installed convertible process. In this kinds of situations at where the 2 seatbelt buckles are exact next to each other, sometimes the kid sitting in the booster unlatches the wrong seatbelt which is not the right. When they suddenly do that, they will often forget it to tell you the matter. The other possible fact is to use LATCH might be in minivans with a bench seat at where you must have to stretch down the seatbelt around the aisle which is blocking the accessibility to the third row. Some parent are still down the assumption that LATCH is safer than a seatbelt, actually it is not .They might bring the seat with the planning of using LATCH. And also they think about the extra benefit of quite easy seatbelt install if needed.
I wish Britax will consider some important changes to the LATCH system specially on the car seats of CT in the future. They can Add press on LATCH connectors or they can add a tilt-lever release system that might help people a lot.
The Weight Limits Of Lower Latch Anchor-
The weight limit of rear facing lower LATCH anchor is about 35 lbs. When your child will become 35 lbs. you have to install with seatbelt of your car.
The lower LATCH anchor of forward facing has the weight limit of about 40 lbs. While your baby will get 40 lbs, than you have to install with seatbelt of your car and the tether.
The Tethering System Of The Seat-
You must be aware to attach the tether strap in the point of tether anchor in your car if the seat of the car is installed with the forward facing point with the LATCH or with a seatbelt. There are many parents who think that the tether is only for the use of installations process with the lower anchors of the seat. I am telling you that it is not actually the truth. The tether only will deduct the head excursion in the time of sudden crash, That is why you may think to use the tether in the position of seating only if there is any in your vehicle. If you are not sure or confidant if you do or where located it is then please just check your car’s manual. I can assure that If your car had been made during the last 12 or 15 years before then you might think of having top tether anchors in your car. It is a matter of regard that they might not always be found in the obvious places you think, even you might not always find them in every seating position of the car. I can suggest you that just Find them out and just make the right use of them! Just find out them and use them with your love with attention!
I see on the CT car seats the tether has been stored in a pretty placement and the placing compartment is at the back of the car seat. The tether of this car seat will come up with the wrapping system and has been stored under the hooks of 2 plastic. If you think that you are in want of a longer tether strap, I recommend just contact with Britax for an extender of tether strap that you want.
Talking About The Ease Of Use-
We find that you will simply be able to increase or decrease the system of harness height when the seat has been installed once which is a big plus point. The Boulevard CT will allow you for the easy and smooth adjust system. Boulevard CT’s recline mechanism is extremely well engineered which will make you feel the smooth and easiness . Actually it is more easier than the any other seats of the market. You just pull out the lever and easily allow the seat become forward or backward as you need for your baby’s comfort.
As we explained that you will find tightening of the harness was hard for me at first time as I couldn’t understand that I had needed to lengthen the tether straps first. Yes, after that time it was actually too easy to tight the harness. I must tell you that it may require a few more small attempts of pulling rather than one after long one.
The system of Click & Safe snug harness indicator mechanism is well featured as well and this will give you an awesome audible click system while you are in the correct tightness of the straps, I most often clicked the button very soon on my own model but the Kecia had not have the similar fact with this feature of Boulevard CT model which is now available in market.
I think above the information about the installation of this Boulevard CT is enough for you. You might get the proper knowledge about this product. Now, Let’s have a visit in the most important part of our review about Boulevard CT. Yes, I am talking about the PROC and CONS part. So, I am getting start from here….
Read More Car Seats Reviews
Last Words
If you ask me that if the Britax Click Tight live make up to the hype with its service? I will say obviously YES!. The seats of Click Tight had been taken most probably almost all of the hardness and frustration out of installing a baby restraint with the seatbelt process. This is I think a big advance forwarding eliminating misuse of car seat. I must strongly say that the car seat may be not completely foolproof, but it is nearer than anything else on the market you will find. I see while adding to that a super and well designed tall shell for rear-facing position, with more goodies like the ability for tethering facing the rear. Actually this supper car seat is hard to beat will other models in the market that are available. There I find a few quirks, but I strongly think that nothing can convert me to sat that this will be the best recommendation for you from me as I am using it for myself for long.